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Welcome to Voices of the Young (VOY)

Promoting Peace through Creativity

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About VOY

Voices of the Young (VOY) is a youth-led nonprofit organization in Cameroon dedicated to promoting peace through nonviolent strategies. We strive to create a better world by addressing social challenges and empowering the next generation of leaders.

Our Mission

Promoting development through creative, nonviolent strategies.

Our Programs


1. Training of Trainers (TOT)

Our flagship Training of Trainers program is designed to address the common challenges faced by facilitators and leaders. Regardless of your field, this training equips you with essential skills in communication, workshop facilitation, and public speaking.

2. The Conversation

The Conversation initiative provides a safe space where youth can voice their opinions and be truly heard. We believe that open, healthy dialogue empowers young people to address their challenges effectively, while fostering a sense of value, inspiration, and motivation to lead purposeful lives.


3. Street Dialogue

Our Street Dialogue campaigns aim to understand and raise awareness about social ills like drug abuse, theft, prostitution, and school dropouts. By engaging with communities directly, we strive to mitigate the high crime rates and create a safer environment for everyone.

Our strategy

  • Capacity development and training

  • Community mobilization and engagement

  • Advocacy and information sharing

  • Mentorship and leadership development

  • Partnership building and networking

  • Research, documentation, and dissemination

  • Monitoring and evaluation for continuous improvement.

Our Sustainable Development Goals

  • SDG1 – No poverty 

  • SDG 4 – Quality education

  • SDG5 – Gender Equality

  • SDG10 – Reduced inequality

  • SDG16 – Peace, justice, and strong institutions

4. Gender Justice

Our Gender Justice program is dedicated to addressing the inequalities faced by individuals based on their gender, promoting equal rights and promoting inclusive environments where everyone can succeed.

Image by Fatima Yusuf

Story Telling Competition

We believe in the transformative power of stories to inspire change. We encourage young people to share their experiences through storytelling, with the most powerful stories receiving recognition and prizes.

TOT Cohort 3 Testimonial

Here is what some of the participants of our Training of Trainers Cohort 3 had to say about the training experience.

VOY Videos

Watch our videos to see what we do at VOY. From our projects and advocacy work to personal stories and testimonials, our videos show how we are making a difference. Get inspired and be part of the change!

Our News and Updates

Our Partners

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Volunteer with Voices of the Young

Become a part of VOY's initiatives by volunteering your time and skills. Sign up for specific roles or contribute remotely.

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